FEMA Resources
September 22, 2023
With current tropical storm watches and warnings issued for Delaware, if you find yourself in need please use the resources listed below:
- National Heritage Responders:
- A team of trained conservators and collections care professionals administered by the Foundation for Advancement in Conservation. They are available 24/7 to provide phone advice and guidance.
- Cultural institutions and arts organizations affected by the flooding can call the National Heritage Responders hotline: 202-661-8068
- Members of the public who have questions about saving family heirlooms can email the National Heritage Responders at: NHRpublichelpline@culturalheritage.org
- Heritage Emergency National Task Force (HENTF):
- Co-sponsored by FEMA and the Smithsonian Institution
- HENTF’s Save Your Family Treasures guidance is available at Save Your Family Treasures | FEMA.gov.
- From this website you can find the downloadable FEMA fact sheets “After the Flood: Advice for Salvaging Damaged Family Treasures” and “Salvaging Water-Damaged Family Valuables and Heirlooms,” available in multiple languages.
- Lori Foley, FEMA’s Coordinator, Heritage Emergency National Task Force Office of Environmental Planning & Historic Preservation Resilience
- Lori’s mobile: (202) 826-6303
- Lori’s email: lori.foley@fema.dhs.gov
- Websites: culturalrescue.si.edu/hentf and fema.gov