Grant Requirements
Grant Requirements
General Grant Requirements
- Organizations must have a Unique Entity Identifier.
- 1:1 cost share match with the amount received from Delaware Humanities. Note the cost share can not be made with other federal funds.
- All funded projects must take place during the period of performance.
- The primary or targeted beneficiaries of the project must be residents of Delaware.
- Projects which are free and publicly available are prioritized. Projects with a participation fee will be required to offer free access options.
- Recipients will be required to set up a account to receive their award by epayment(s).
- Recipients may not have two of the same grant type open with Delaware Humanities. For example, if your organization has an open Action/Innovation Grant, you may not apply for a new Action/Innovation Grant. However, if you only have an open Opportunity Grant, you may apply for an Action/Innovation Grant.
- Groups eligible for funding:
- K-12 schools, colleges, and universities
- Museums, historical societies, libraries
- State/local government agencies
- Nonprofit groups (professional or social organizations, community or religious groups, etc.)
- NOTE: Funding can not be applied for by fiscal sponsors or pass through entities.
Costs Eligible for Support
- All costs must be reasonable, allowable, and allocable. All costs must be permitted for subawards under 2 CFR 200 and under the NEH General Terms and Conditions for General Support Grants to State Humanities Councils.
- Direct programming and implementation costs integral to the project.
- Collections acquisition (note: if for a museum collection acquisition, please contact the Grants and Operations Manager with more information before applying).
- Book acquisitions (note: must be tied with a program).
- Technical or consulting needs related to digital transition or access, including costs directly associated with digitizing humanities collections to make them available online.
- Honoraria for humanities experts/scholars/facilitators (their resume or CV will be required as part of the application).
- Domestic travel – mileage cannot exceed the federal rate. Airfare costs cannot exceed the customary standard commercial rate (coach or equivalent).
- Per diem – Allowed for out-of-town personnel only. Costs cannot exceed the federal per diem rates.
- Supplies – materials necessary for the project, with a per unit acquisition cost of less than $5,000.
- Rental – facilities space for event if grantee organization does not have a space of adequate size.
- Promotion and Printing – advertising and publicity costs for outreach, includes social media and virtual publicity efforts as well as traditional paper-based mediums.
Costs Not Eligible for Support
- General operating support and staff salaries.
- Scholarly programs directed to a limited audience or individual scholar research.
- Competitive re-granting, prizes, awards, and projects that provide academic credit, scholarships, fellowships.
- Pre-award costs.
- Equipment – any item with a useful life of more than one year and a per-unit acquisition cost of $5,000 or more.
- International travel.
- Construction, purchase of real property, major alteration, repair, and renovation.
- The preservation, organization, or description of materials that are not regularly accessible for research, education, or public programming.
- Promotion of a particular political, religious, or ideological point of view.
- Advocacy of a particular program of social or political action.
- Support of specific public policies or legislation.
- Lobbying.
- Alcohol and entertainment.
- Non per diem food and drink (However, may be approved on a case by case basis. Please contact Delaware Humanities before applying).
- Projects that fall outside the humanities and the humanistic social sciences (including the creation or performance of art; creative writing, autobiographies, memoirs, and creative nonfiction; and quantitative social science research or policy studies).
- Expenses that are not reasonable, allowable, and/or allocable.
- Unallowable expenses for subawards as defined in 2 CFR 200 Subpart E-Cost Principles.
Rules Specific to Opportunity Grants
- A nonprofit organization does not have to have tax-exempt status.
- If your organization is concerned about making the cost share match, contact the Grants and Operations Manager before submitting your application. In certain circumstances, that requirement may be waived.
Rules Specific to Action & Innovation Grants
- A Request to Apply must be submitted. After the Request to Apply is received, your organization may or may not be invited to submit a grant application.
- A nonprofit organization MUST have current tax-exempt status and must be a nonprofit in good standing.
- The most recent copy of your organization’s 990 must be submitted as part of the application.