Medicinal Plant Walk (Sussex County)


Sunday, August 28, 2022
Trap Pond State Park
Program: Environmental Humanities

Join Roger Mustalish, MPH, Ph.D. an international conservationist as he leads a hike through our woods, highlighting medicinal plants and their history in our region. We will review the medicinal nature of plants found on our everyday hiking trails that have been part of healing traditions of Native and Non-Native Americans for generations and discuss those that have been the foundation for the creation of modern medicines.

Please note: This walk will be observational and will not include or promote foraging or sampling at these locations. Additionally, the information to be presented is not designed to diagnose, prescribe or treat any medical condition. Pre-registration is required by August 27th by phone: 302-875-5153.

Sponsored by Delaware Humanities; hosted by Delaware State Parks.

Trap Pond State Park
33587 Bald Cypress Dr
Laurel DE 19956