Evaluation Training
Wednesday, July 10, 2024
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Online via Zoom
Does your organization always conduct evaluations after events and projects, but you never know what to do with the results? Or have you never conducted an evaluation before? Whether a beginner or someone with experience in evaluation, this training session is for you!
After this training, participants will understand what evaluation is, how it can be used, and will be able to identify at least three ways in which program evaluation activities can help inform program decisions and actions toward improvement.
10:00–10:15 AM: Welcome/Introductions
10:15–10:45 AM: Types of Evaluation (Front end, formative, summative), and Methods
10:45–11:00 AM: Outcomes of humanities programs
11:00–11:20 AM: Articulate outcomes (in small groups, choose one program and do backwards design)
11:20–11:30 AM: Wrap up and Reflect
11:30 AM–12:00 PM: Extension: an opportunity to ask questions of the evaluator and talk to your peers
This training will be led by Dr. Becker-Klein of Two Roads Consulting.

Online via Zoom